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What To Drink To Last Longer In Bed?

If you are a guy trying to improve your bedroom performance and last longer in bed you’ll want to do everything you can to avoid the dreaded curse of premature ejaculation. So it makes sense to think about what you should drink prior to sex to give yourself every chance possible to last longer.

There’s a lot of free-flowing advice and tips floating around and telling men to eat or drink a certain thing to increase their sexual stamina, so here we will take a look at what’s a fact, what’s fiction, and what other more effective ways there are to last longer in bed.

Before you start to think about what to drink to last longer in bed there are a few much more important considerations you should be thinking about. Because if you have premature ejaculation a drink alone is never going to completely fix your problem.

Othe Ways To Last Longer In Bed

Our advice is to focus on the proven and methods to last longer in bed such as learning how to breathe during sex and completing some premature ejaculation exercises. These are the low-hanging fruit that will give you the biggest improvement in the shortest time. Here’s a good round-up by Dan Becket on the most effective ways to last longer in bed (Hint: drinking a magic potion is not one of them.)

Sexual Stamina And Libido Vs Delaying Ejaculation

Firstly, let’s make it clear what we are talking about here. Because when people talk about lasting longer in bed they can mean one of 2 things. Some men or women are looking to increase their libido or sexual desire both before and during sex. And there are many things that you can eat or drink that will help you in this department. But that’s not what we are covering here.

This article looks at what men can do to last longer in bed and prevent early ejaculation. And specifically, if there are any drinks that can reliably help men last longer before ejaculation.

Is It Possible To Last Longer During Sex By Drinking Anything?

The short answer to this “no”, with the possible exception of alcohol (More on this later).

While in a perfect world you’d grab that bottle of Ultimate Lasting Max Pro™ off the top shelf, gulp it down, and be good to go for hours, but that’s just not how the male ejaculatory system operates I’m afraid.

You are basically controlling precision machinery within your body and to do that you need to have the basic skills to start with.

Does Drinking Water Make You Last Longer In Bed?

Drinks to last longer in bed

Here’s something I’ve heard in a few places and it’s the sort of advice that you’d expect to hear passed out in the locker room.

“Drink a big glass of water just befor sex to last longer in bed”
– Random locker room guy

But does this work?

If you are severely dehydrated, yes, drinking water will help you last longer in bed. But that is only because when you are severely dehydrated you will not really be any good at pretty much anything.

It has not been shown that the consumption of water just prior to sex will not increase the duration of intercourse. Unless that is if you include the time that it takes you to interrupt sex to take a whizz in the bathroom.

It may also sometimes have the opposite effect. Because drinking water just before sex can lead to a full bladder, which can then, in turn, lead to a lack of muscular control in the abdominal area. And this will make it a lot harder to relax your ejaculatory muscles which is very likely to lead to a lack of control in bed and premature ejaculation.

Does Drinking Alchohol Help You Last Longer In Bed?

can alcohol help you last longer in bed for men

Alcohol is the one drink that can help some men last longer in bed in some cases, but the jury is still out on whether or not it should be recommended.

Because alcohol can reduce inhibitions some men find that it helps them last longer in bed. And unlike many of the other suggestions we’ve discussed on this page, there is actually some truth to this.

In fact, many men with premature ejaculation end up needing to consume alcohol prior to sex every time.  This can lead to unhealthy sexual and lifestyle habits if it becomes a habit.

While there’s nothing wrong with having a few alcoholic drinks prior to sex, especially if you are nervous, it shouldn’t become a habit and it shouldn’t get to the stage where you feel that you need it every time before sex.

Does Caffeine Make You Last Longer In Bed?

Drinks that are high in caffeine such as coffee or green tea can most certainly help wake you up and reduce perceptions of fatigue. Caffeine has also anecdotally been said to increase libido, which may well be the case, but it certainly won’t help you delay early ejaculation and can often make you ejaculate earlier instead.

This is because drinks with a high level of caffeine can cause higher levels of stress and anxiety which is a known trigger for early ejaculation.

Do Energy Drinks Make You Last Longer In Bed?

can energy drinks help men last longer in bed

Some guys have also asked about whether or not energy drinks such as Red Bull can help you last longer in bed. The answer is the same as it is for coffee as for most energy drinks the main active ingredient is also caffeine.

Ps. One guy also asked if lemonade would him last longer in bed and by now I’m sure that you can guess the answer: No it won’t.

What Should I Drink To Last Longer In Bed?

OK. So you’ve educated yourself, you’ve learned how to breathe correctly during sex and you’ve done the training and you still want to know what is the best thing is to drink to last longer in bed and perhaps get your libido firing on all cylinders. Here are a few drinks that may help you.

Drinks Containing Potassium

mango-banana-smoothie-to last longer

Potassium is a key electro light and aids in cell fluid retention, strength, and recovery.

  • Banana Smoothy
  • Tomato juice
  • Carrot juice
  • Milk
  • Yogurt based drinks such as Yakult


I hope you like it spicy because Capsaicin can help you last longer in bed. As the name suggests it is found in many chilies and capsicums. It can boost your endurance and also speed up recovery after sex for that extra round.

  • Capsicums
  • Sweet chilies
  • Jalapenos
  • Ginger root or extract

How To Start Training To Stop Premature Ejaculation?

If you haven’t yet completed some training exercises or learned some techniques to improve your ejaculatory control that’s where your focus should be. I recommend either booking an appointment with a professional in the field of sexual relations or checking out Dan Becket’s great Ejaculation Freedom program which we recently reviewed on the site.

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Can Herbal Pills Make You Last Longer In Bed?

These days, you’ll find tablets, pills, and supplements on the market for just about any dilemma you can imagine. Experiencing a difficult time sleeping? Gulp down a few of those. Seeking more stamina. This purple one’s for you.

And it will come as no surprise that there are likewise early ejaculation tablets being sold both online and off.

But is it good to be relying on natural supplements or pills to boost our sexual staying power? Or can you learn more powerful methods to be confident in bed to extend lovemaking?

The guide includes the listed parts:

Consider Completing some PE Exercises Before Taking Pills

You should remember that there are significantly more successful techniques to extend sex compared to the natural last longer capsules we are going to look at here. I recommend taking a look at a recommended last longer during sex course and implementing the exercises

Although this strategy can take around 2-3 weeks to perfect, case studies have found that these physical strategies are noticeably more powerful than natural pills or prescribed drugs.

What Form Of Last Longer Pills Are Available?

There are essentially a couple of independent kinds of rapid ejaculation tablets. On the one hand, there are herb-derived last longer capsules that are regarded as health supplements. On the other hand, there’s doctor prescribed medication

Pharmaceutical early ejaculation tablets have to be administered by a health care professional and ought to strictly be utilized once the rapid ejaculation sufferer has utilized behavioral courses to extend intercourse. Natural early ejaculation pills, on the flip side, can be easily bought at a shop and online, and they are what we are going to be looking at today.

Elements Of Last Longer In Bed Tablets

Next, we put on our white smocks and learn everything early ejaculation pills are made up of. Every maker’s pill wasn’t equal. And the team detected a few unforeseen things in these bad boys which you should take into account. Here’s all that you will find when you spend money on your herb-derived last longer-in-bed supplements.

The herbal ingredients in the majority of supplements the team evaluated were:

  • Cuscuta Chinensis
  • Devils Claw Root
  • Ginko Leaf
  • Elecampane
  • Horsetail
  • Ginseng
  • Ginger Root
  • Lycopene
  • Vitamin B12

However, most of the supplement is non-active materials like:

  • Dextrose
  • Lactose
  • Tapioca starch
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Calcium
  • Fructose

How Much Are Rapid Ejaculation Pills Cost?

Nearly all guys are sure to pay out anything to eliminate the stress of being unable to last during sexual intercourse. That’s the reason the businesses charge so much. Normally, one single bottle of herb-based early ejaculation tablets is going to set you back roughly 50 dollars. Whilst, whenever you choose a larger volume you may receive a moderate discount. In contrast to other remedies to make sexual intercourse last longer, natural rapid ejaculation pills can end up becoming among the priciest choices.

At a fifth of what you would fork out for these pills, a man with premature ejaculation can alternatively try a good quality last longer during a sex training course that will in my opinion be superior.

Are Premature Ejaculation Pills Only Found Online?

In the past, most plant-derived last longer tablets were advertised online. Yet, nowadays chemists are looking to make some money in this profitable niche.

Making the assumption that you insist on trying these last longer supplements, it could be worthwhile looking to get these early ejaculation supplements over the counter from a nearby shop.

There are Many More Ways You Can Last Longer During Sex

It’s now apparent that herbal last longer In bed tablets are inadequate, what are some other stronger treatments? There’s a lot of ways of treating premature ejaculation, all with a variety of advantages and disadvantages.

Next, we will take a look at a variety of proposed solutions for PE, to be able to work out which are the perfect solutions for your needs.

  • Sensitivity decreasing condoms
  • Early ejaculation exercising books
  • Psychological guidance
  • Emotional help sessions
  • The squeeze approach
  • Intimate counseling
  • Desensitizing creams
  • Numbing lotions
  • Intimate training
  • The “Stop and Start” workout
  • Analgesics medication

A last longer in bed exercise program is suggested since it is affordable, proven, and discrete.

Stamina Boosting Exercise Programs

During the previous ten years, a number of decent rapid climaxing programs have been published, which have proven widely used. Ultimate Lasting is, by far, the more famous of the bunch as it has a sizable following from the men who have used it.

The premier premature ejaculation books will not just deal with a single aspect. They should really go over both of the emotional and also internal ideas, using a simple to follow manner.

Definitely, the main advantage of a premature ejaculation booklet will be that after it’s done, you do not need to think about finding medicines or creams or things such as that additionally. Generally, ebooks such as this are found online and are usually successfully completed in Thirty days.

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The Powerful Ejaculation Freedom eBook Is A Game Changer

There’s been a lot of talk recently about prominent premature ejaculation coach Dan Becket’s new training program aimed at eliminating premature ejaculation so we couldn’t wait to get our hands on a copy to see what all the fuss was about. Let me just say, we won’t disappointed and here we’ll explain why Dan’s Ejaculation Freedom course is an absolute game changer and will revolutionize the way premature ejaculation is diagnosed and treated.

About This Review Of Ejaculation Freedom By Dan Becket

First up, this is not a paid review nor do we make any money from affiliate links or any other means. You’ll see many fake reviews for premature ejaculation ebooks online, especially those sold through the “clickbank” affiliate network. This is not one of them.

Is Ejaculation Freedom The Best Premature Ejaculation Book Ever?

We certainly think so, but to call it a book is really selling it short. It’s more of a training program or course with a series of training modules that you can progress through as you build up stamina.

With the way it is set out and the huge array of techniques and skills that are taught by Dan you can easily see why the reported success rate is so high. It goes far beyond the typical Kegels and edging that most other premature ejaculation eBooks seem to consist of.

We’ll be bringing you the full review soon but for now, if you want to start lasting longer in bed check out all the skills covered in the full training program.


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SBDCE uses the principles of Sustainability to help Men grow profitably and healthily.

Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

We believe that Sustainability can only be achieved with a balanced approach to the Triple Bottom Line of Profit, Planet & People.

Our Profit programs focus on not only reducing energy costs and waste but also increasing profitable sales of green products and services.
Our Planet programs focus on performing onsite assessments to create company-specific and prioritized recommendations to favorably impact the planet and your business.
Our People programs focus on creating a safe, successful, servant leadership work environment that improves employee and customer attitudes.

Our culture often uses the word Sustainability interchangeably with Green.  We consider Green to be practices, processes, and products that have a minimal impact on the health of the ecosystem.  The emphasis is on non-hazardous, recyclable, reusable, and energy-efficient products, services, and processes.  So Sustainability includes Green concepts, but they are not interchangeable.

What does this mean to you, the entrepreneur or business owner?
Consider creating a Sustainable Business Strategy (SBS). This is the best way your organization can cohesively plan, act and manage your financial, social and environmental performance that will create value for you, your stakeholders and meet present needs without compromising the ability to meet future needs.

Because our services are already paid for by your tax dollars, give us a call to schedule a free counseling session. We can help you create a strategy, prepare a business plan or solve business issues that impact PROFIT, PLANET & PEOPLE.

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